Here are 10 things most people toss out
without a thought....Not me!
1. toilet paper rolls-make great cord
wranglers, or napkin rings, or dip into paint to make circles,
2. used coffee filters-rinse and save to
make a no-cost wreath,
or line a clay pot or planter box to cover up
the drainage holes.
You don't even need to rinse off the coffee
grounds. They're good for the soil.
3. egg shells- start blowing out eggs
instead of cracking them open a few weeks
before Easter. Then Decoupage eggs using
the top layer of cocktail napkins using
Mod Podge.
4. jars-small to large, I reuse jam and spice
jars and store everything!
They can give your beverage some
5. tennis cans: I can store almost everything
in a tennis can.
6. plastic skirt hangers: lop off the ends to use as bag clips
7. return envelopes: make out your grocery
list for the week and stuff the coupons
you'll use inside. An endless supply.
8. oyster/clam shells: whenever I order
oysters or clams in a restaurant I have the
waiter bag up the empty shells for me.
*Please remember to take them out of your
car when you get home and never forget to
take them out of your girlfriend's car or
you'll never hear the end of it!
Saved corks used HERE.
9. wine bottles and corks: wine bottle garden border.
10. Liquor bottles: decant bubble bath, bath
salts into pretty tequila or other liquor
bottles . No more ugly plastic containers.
To see more.....
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Links: Savvy Southern Style,
The Shabby Creek Cottage,
Stone Gable, Common Ground,
Between Naps On The Porch, Funky Junk,
My Repurposed Life, My Romantic Home,
The Tablescaper