Setting up with a mix of dishes.
I brought the Red Willow dish set home with
me from North Carolina.
me from North Carolina.
I keep dragging things back to Florida!
I'm using the breadboard that we just made
for the centerpiece and topped it with
the Red Willow tea set.
for the centerpiece and topped it with
the Red Willow tea set.
I kept the gingham checked pillowcases on
the seat cushions that I used during
the seat cushions that I used during
Kept the stripped and quilted toss pillows
out too. I used two placemats, a white lace
vinyl over red flannel that reverses to
a tartan plaid for another look.
out too. I used two placemats, a white lace
vinyl over red flannel that reverses to
a tartan plaid for another look.
Churchill Red Willow and
Porsgrund Hearts and Pines.
Porsgrund Hearts and Pines.
Hearts and Pines salt & pepper set sits
on the heart cut-out.
on the heart cut-out.
I like using the red and white for
January and February.
Basically, I just like playing with dishes.

Links: The Shabby Creek Cottage,
Savvy Southern Style, Stone Gable,
No Minimalist Here,
Between Naps On The Porch,
My Romantic Home